For the record

Short films at Sundance: In an article in the Jan. 18 Calendar section about short films at the Sundance Film Festival being shown on YouTube, a second mention of the film "Black Metal" referred to it as "Dark Metal."

California universities: In the Jan. 16 Section A, an article about changes that Gov. Jerry Brown wants in California's public university sytems identified William Tierney as the director of USC's Pelias Center for Higher Education. It is the Pullias Center for Higher Education, not Pelias.

"Life of Pi": In the Jan. 17 edition of The Envelope, a caption for a photograph showing steps in the creation of the movie "Life of Pi" said that a digital framework for the lifeboat was placed over an image of actual water. The water used in those images was also digitally created.

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Tell-All on the Internet Fells Chinese Official

BEIJING — Viewed through the lens of the Marxist tenets he so arduously promoted, Yi Junqing’s transactional relationship with an ambitious female researcher would have probably fallen into the category of exploitive.

Mr. Yi, 54, an impish scholar who is China’s top guardian of Communist literature, is said to have provided the woman with a fellowship at his research institute in exchange for $1,600. The sex and jewelry came later.

The allegations came to light last month after the woman, Chang Yan, 34, posted online a self-indulgent and occasionally scintillating diary that recounted a yearlong affair between the two married scholars. A few days later, Ms. Chang tried to retract her sprawling tell-all but the damage was done.

On Thursday Mr. Yi, director of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, was dismissed from his job. Xinhua, the state news agency, kept its dispatch brief and clean: Mr. Yi, it said, was let go over “lifestyle issues.”

In a season when dozens of ethically challenged Chinese officials have been felled by their lust for women, money and luxury timepieces, the downfall of Mr. Yi prompted a hearty round of snickering and schadenfreude, and not only because his vice minister rank made him one of the more senior party members to lose his job over official malfeasance.

“People have come to treat such news as entertainment, but that’s only because we feel so helpless,” said Zhu Ruifeng, a muckraking journalist who specializes in the misdeeds of Chinese officials.

Mr. Yi’s main job, after all, was to propagate the leftist and often puritanical teachings of Mao Zedong and other Communist luminaries at a time when many Chinese have grown disenchanted by the seeming lack of rectitude among their leaders. The headline in the Qianjiang Evening News of Hangzhou seemed to sum up the public’s disgust: “Mouthful of Marxism-Leninism, Mind Full of Filth and Vice.” The commentary went on to lambast Mr. Yi for selling positions at his institute, which has a staff of nearly 300 and is charged with translating Marxist tracts into Chinese and Chinese government documents into a number of foreign languages.

Even if party leaders ultimately tossed Mr. Yi overboard, it was the Internet that sealed his fate. Over the past two months, a parade of corrupt officials have been exposed by enterprising journalists, anonymous tipsters — or in Mr. Yi’s case, jilted lovers.

Recent cases include the relatives of a housing official in Henan Province who had collected 31 properties and a deputy mayor in Guangdong Province who was fired and placed under investigation after his cozy ties to a local drug gang were publicly revealed by a disgruntled underling.

Given China’s normally tight censorship restrictions, some analysts have suggested that the spate of scandals appearing online are a sign the new leadership is committed to fighting corruption in the party. During his inaugural address in November, Xi Jinping, the new Communist Party chief and incoming president, warned that unchecked graft threatened to destroy the party.

Indeed, Xinhua, on its microblog account, tried to put a positive spin on the latest scandal, saying “The resolute management of problematic officials shows the determination of the party’s fight against corruption.”

Judging from the deluge of biting commentary on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, not many people were convinced. “The shameful step-down of this minister-level official once again proves the Internet wisdom: rumors are but prophesies,” Xue Manzi, a well-followed businessman, wrote on his microblog.

When it comes to Chinese-style scandal, Mr. Yi’s transgressions — at least those alleged by his former lover — are not particularly spectacular. He seems to have had a fondness for sushi and sake, and for lunchtime tête-à-têtes at a Beijing hotel with Ms. Chang — 17 of them, by her count.

She described a man who enjoyed talking politics, but also about his own achievements. “I am quite talented after all,” he supposedly said after recounting the favorable impression he made on Mr. Xi, the party chief. Ms. Chang does not exactly come off as a naïf. After bribing him with Swarovski baubles, a bottle of Boss cologne and an additional $8,000, she said she grew angry when Mr. Yi failed to secure her a permanent position at his institute. She was also not pleased to learn he had other lovers. In the end, she admits she tried to blackmail him, demanding nearly $50,000 to leave him alone.

After the diary’s release, Ms. Chang tried to backpedal, saying she was depressed and nearly delusional from working too much when she wrote its 100,000 characters. “In my spare time I put together a work of fiction,” she said.

Patrick Zuo contributed research.

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William & Kate and Harry's Gift List Reveals Riches from Their Travels

01/18/2013 at 08:20 AM EST

What's on the gift list when party-lover Prince Harry comes to visit you? Reach for the rum.

For the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge? How about matching bathrobes from a fabled hotel.

These are just some of the gifts received last year by the Princes and Kate during their travels on behalf of Queen Elizabeth. (For the full list, click here.)

While William, 30, was given a prized dagger by the King of Malaysia, he and Kate were handed robes by the historic Raffles Hotel in Singapore.

William & Kate and Harry's Gift List Reveals Riches from Their Travels| The British Royals, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, Prince William

Prince Harry, with a kangaroo he was given by Australian athletes, with the Duchess of Cambridge


Gifts for Kate, 31, tended to be fashion choices, including eight handbags or clutch bags that came during the couple's tour of southeast Asia,. She was also presented with sarongs in the Solomon Islands, and a sari in Malaysia.

During his March visit to Brazil and the Caribbean, Harry, 28, was given Brazilian soccer shirts, local liquor and, in the Bahamas, a magnifying glass. The Governor of Rio handed him a Beatles CD and a book.

And, should he want to pimp up his ride back home, he can always display the personalized license plate saying "HARRY" that he received while he toured Brazil. You go, Harry.

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Food servers more vulnerable to legal threats

WASHINGTON (AP) — People with severe food allergies have a new tool in their attempt to find menus that fit their diet: federal disabilities law. And that could leave schools, restaurants and anyplace else that serves food more vulnerable to legal challenges over food sensitivities.

A settlement stemming from a lack of gluten-free foods available to students at a Massachusetts university could serve as a precedent for people with other allergies or conditions, including peanut sensitivities or diabetes. Institutions and businesses subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act could be open to lawsuits if they fail to honor requests for accommodations by people with food allergies.

Colleges and universities are especially vulnerable because they know their students and often require them to eat on campus, Eve Hill of the Justice Department's civil rights division says. But a restaurant also could be liable if it blatantly ignored a customer's request for certain foods and caused that person to become ill, though that case might be harder to argue if the customer had just walked in off the street, Hill said.

The settlement with Lesley University, reached last month but drawing little attention, will require the Cambridge, Mass., institution to serve gluten-free foods and make other accommodations for students who have celiac disease. At least one student complained to the federal government after the school would not exempt the student from a meal plan even though the student couldn't eat the food.

"All colleges should heed this settlement and take steps to make accommodations," says Alice Bast, president and founder of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. "To our community this is definitely a precedent."

People who suffer from celiac disease don't absorb nutrients well and can get sick from the gluten found in wheat, rye and barley. The illness, which affects around 2 million Americans, causes abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea, and people who have it can suffer weight loss, fatigue, rashes and other problems. Celiac is a diagnosed illness that is more severe than gluten sensitivity, which some people self-diagnose.

Ten years ago, most people had never heard of celiac disease. But awareness has exploded in recent years, for reasons that aren't entirely clear. Some researchers say it was under-diagnosed, others say it's because people eat more processed wheat products like pastas and baked goods than in past decades, and those items use types of wheat that have a higher gluten content.

Gluten-free diets have expanded beyond those with celiac disease. Millions of people are buying gluten-free foods because they say they make them feel better, even if they don't have a wheat allergy. Americans were expected to spend $7 billion on gluten-free foods last year.

With so many people suddenly concerned with gluten content, colleges and universities have had to make accommodations. Some will allow students to be exempted from meal plans, while others will work with students individually. They may need to do even more now as the federal government is watching.

"These kids don't want to be isolated," Bast says. "Part of the college experience is being social. If you can't even eat in the school cafeteria then you are missing out on a big part of college life."

Under the Justice Department agreement, Lesley University says it will not only provide gluten-free options in its dining hall but also allow students to pre-order, provide a dedicated space for storage and preparation to avoid cross-contamination, train staff about food allergies and pay a $50,000 cash settlement to the affected students.

"We are not saying what the general meal plan has to serve or not," Hill says. "We are saying that when a college has a mandatory meal plan they have to be prepared to make reasonable modifications to that meal plan to accommodate students with disabilities."

The agreement says that food allergies may constitute a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act, if they are severe enough. The definition was made possible under 2009 amendments to the disability law that allowed for episodic impairments that substantially limit activity.

"By preventing people from eating, they are really preventing them from accessing their educational program," Hill said of the school and its students.

Mary Pat Lohse, the chief of staff and senior adviser to Lesley University's president, says the school has been working with the Justice Department for more than three years to address students' complaints. She says the school has already implemented most parts of the settlement and will continue to update policies to serve students who need gluten-free foods.

"The settlement agreement provides a positive road map for other colleges and universities to follow with regard to accommodating students with food allergies and modifying existing food service plans," Lohse said.

Some say the Justice Department decision goes too far. Hans von Spakovsky, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation who worked in the civil rights division of the Justice Department under President George W. Bush, says food allergies shouldn't apply under the disability act. He adds that the costs could be substantial when schools are already battling backlash from high tuition costs.

"I certainly encourage colleges and universities to work with students on this issue, but the fact that this is a federal case and the Justice Department is going to be deciding what kind of meals could be served in a dining hall is just absurd," he said.

Whether the government is involved or not, schools and other food service establishments are likely to hear from those who want more gluten-free foods. Dhanu Thiyagarajan, a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh, said she decided to speak up when she arrived at school and lost weight because there were too few gluten-free options in the cafeteria. Like Lesley University, the University of Pittsburgh requires that on-campus students participate in a meal plan.

Thiyagarajan eventually moved off campus so she could cook her own food, but not before starting an organization of students who suffer from wheat allergies like hers. She says she is now working with food service at the school and they have made a lot of progress, though not enough for her to move back on campus.

L. Scott Lissner, the disability coordinator at Ohio State University, says he has seen similar situations at his school, though people with food allergies have not traditionally thought of themselves as disabled. He says schools will eventually have to do more than just exempt students from a meal plan.

"This is an early decision on a growing wave of needs that universities are going to have to address," he said of the Lesley University agreement.

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EPA proposes compromise on Navajo Generating Station's emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing regulations to reduce emissions from the massive Navajo Generating Station by as much as 84%, in a compromise that would give the plant's operators more time to install scrubbers and would ease the economic impact on two Native American tribes.

Situated in northern Arizona, less than 20 miles from the Grand Canyon, the generating station is the source of haze viewed by tourists at nearly a dozen parks and wilderness areas in the Southwest.

The EPA's proposed rules would allow the 2,250-megawatt plant until 2023 to install pollution controls to meet emissions standards mandated by a Regional Haze Rule. The plant is one of the largest sources of harmful nitrogen oxide emissions in the country, but the agency is proposing to add five years to the compliance date in response to concerns by Navajo and Hopi tribes, EPA Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld said.

"It's a deserving compromise, given the real economic threats that face the tribal nations," Blumenfeld said, calling the issue the most complicated he'd ever dealt with. "We wanted to provide enough time to work out the economics so that the facility remains open."

The coal-fired power plant is on land leased from the Navajo Reservation and burns coal mined on both the Navajo and Hopi reservations. The equipment required to bring the plant into emissions compliance would cost an estimated $500 million, and the tribes and a number of groups argued that the economic burden might cause the operators to close the facility, which employs hundreds of tribal members.

The generating station is co-owned by several entities, including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

Blumenfeld said the EPA proposed extending the compliance period also in recognition that the plant's operators had previously installed emission-reducing equipment. When the plant is in compliance, its emissions will total no more than 28,500 tons per year.

"For 90% of the year, the Grand Canyon's air quality is impaired by a veil of pollution haze that reduces the pristine natural visual range by an average of more than 30%," Blumenfeld said in a statement.

National parks and wilderness areas are required to maintain Class I airsheds — the highest level of clear skies. In addition to the Grand Canyon, nearby parks include Zion, Bryce Canyon, Mesa Verde, Arches and Canyonlands.

The plant also provides the power that drives the Central Arizona Project, an expansive aqueduct system that provides water to much of Arizona. State agencies had petitioned the EPA to consider the proposed rules' effect on the cost of water delivery.

The proposed regulations are open to a 90-day comment period.

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IHT Rendezvous: Is Something Toxic Buried in China's Financial System?

BEIJING — China’s economy, whizzing ahead as the West struggles, seems quite remarkable. Perhaps a little too remarkable? Like many things too good to be true, is it all a little, well, too good to be true?

There will be the yea- and nay-sayers in any debate, and China’s economy provokes plenty of both. So here’s the “yea” side: the forces of urbanization and industrialization unleashed here in the 1970s after the death of Mao Zedong represent a historically singular phase that still has a way to go.

Here’s the “nay” side: that’s true, but we need to look at what’s actually happening in China’s financial system — is it safe? The trouble is, that system is mostly hidden from the outside world by a combination of language difficulty and the pitch-dark opacity that envelops much important business here. What’s interesting about the “nay” argument is that increasingly, it’s Chinese media and some prominent Chinese economists who are making it.

And of course all of this matters to the world because China is by now deeply part of the global economy, so what happens here affects everyone.

A Hong Kong online magazine that follows the Chinese-language debate closely recently presented a clear argument: among key concerns about China’s financial system are wealth management products offered by “trust companies,” part of the shadow banking system that operates outside the official banking sector but is entwined with it.

As Week in China wrote recently: “Analysts worry that the trust firms (and their wealth management products) could provide an explosive element to China’s financial landscape — much as toxic CDO’s made the American system vulnerable.”

CDO’s, of course, are collateralized debt obligations, those complicated financial tools that spurred unhealthy debt and lending in the United States, causing shocks that spread around the world when the system collapsed in 2007. (This graphic makes them as simple as possible.)

For some time, Chinese-language media have been looking at the scene, with outlets such as the 21st Century Business Herald and the National Business Daily leading the way.

Spurring concern was a recent remark by Xiao Gang, the chairman of the Bank of China, that the way trust companies were run was, potentially, “fundamentally a Ponzi scheme.” (The report is in English.)

It is difficult to measure the amount and value of wealth management products in circulation in China, wrote Mr. Xiao. (Mr. Xiao has been a proponent of Chinese banks vigorously investing overseas.)

“KPMG reports that trust companies will soon overtake insurance to become the second-largest sector in the Chinese financial industry. According to a report by CN Benefit, a Chinese wealth-management consultancy, sales of WMP’s soared 43 percent in the first half of 2012 to 12.14 trillion yuan,” or $1.9 trillion, he wrote.

Either way, there are now “more than 20,000” wealth management products in circulation, “a dramatic increase from only a few hundred just five years ago.”

“Given that the number is so big and hard to manage, China’s shadow banking sector has become a potential source of systemic financial risk over the next few years,” wrote Mr. Xiao. “Particularly worrisome is the quality and transparency of WMP’s. Many assets underlying the products are dependent on some empty real estate property or long-term infrastructure, and are sometimes even linked to high-risk projects, which may find it impossible to generate sufficient cash flow to meet repayment obligations.”

The details are complex. But Week in China’s conclusion is this: “WiC suspects — along with swathes of the Chinese press — that the trusts and their wealth management products have now intertwined to become the weakest link in the Chinese financial system. In recent weeks it’s become clearer that these obscure institutions have waded into some wayward financial positions,” with certain companies, such as Zhongrong Trust and Shangdong International Trust, particularly involved.

“The question now is whether this might lead to a broader crisis,” the magazine wrote.

“On balance that may still be a way off,” it wrote.

As long as the economy expands at close to 8 percent a year, “the trusts may be able to ‘grow’ out of their bad assets. But if one of the major players collapses, the dynamic may be much more explosive. As Charles Ponzi well understood, confidence is everything,” it concluded.

Last week, several Chinese-language media reported the big four state banks had stopped selling trust company products to clients in Beijing and were scaling back in Guangzhou. “The official clampdown on the trusts might already have begun,” wrote Week in China.

Read the story and see what you think: Is China veering towards a U.S.-style financial crisis, or will it take action and avoid one? Or is the concern overblown?

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Missouri Lawmaker Wants Violent Video Games Taxed

A rural Missouri lawmaker wants her state to tax certain video games to help curb gun violence. The Associated Press reports state Rep. Diane Franklin, R-Camdenton, believes a 1 percent sales tax on video games rated teen, mature and adults only would help finance mental health programs aimed at reducing gun violence such as the recent mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

What does the legislation propose?

House Bill 157 proposes to create “an excise tax based on the gross receipts or gross proceeds of each sale” of video games rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The tax also involves the “storage, use or other consumption” of violent video games in Missouri including “tangible personal property.” This means the tax could extend to memorabilia derived from the games such as toys, clothing and video game accessories.

How does the legislation hope to enhance public safety?

The law hopes to procure “new and additional funding for treatment of mental health conditions associated with exposure to violent video games… .” The revenue from the tax cannot be used to replace existing revenue already in place. Franklin deems the legislation “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, welfare, peace and safety.” Therefore, if the legislation passes it will go into effect immediately. There is no mention in the legislation as to how much revenue should be generated, nor does it say whether the sales tax is just on new merchandise as opposed to used games on the secondary market.

Have similar laws been considered before?

A similar proposal was struck down in mid-February in Oklahoma. Democrat William Fourkiller crafted legislation in 2012 that is very similar to Franklin’s idea in Missouri. A subcommittee struck down the bill by a 6-5 margin. Fourkiller, in defending the law , said it wasn’t a “magic bullet” but that Oklahoma had “to start somewhere” to curb childhood violence. Oklahoma also would have taxed ESRB teen, mature and adults only games at a rate of 1 percent.

Does the Missouri law have a chance to pass?

CNN notes a federal appeals court made a ruling in 2003 that video games are free speech protected by the First Amendment. Ironically, it was a federal case stemming from St. Louis County, Mo., that created the precedent for video games as free speech. Senior U.S. District Judge Stephen Limbaugh’s decision was reversed by an appellate panel. The ruling came shortly after the state of Washington banned the sale of certain video games to children under the age of 17. Gamasutra reveals New Mexico also tried, and failed, to pass a similar law in 2008.

What are Franklin’s credentials as they relate to the proposed bill?

Franklin was first elected in 2010 from Camdenton. She is a mother of two sons and served on Camdenton School Board from 1993 to 1999. She sits on the House Appropriations-Education committee. Franklin is a third-generation small business owner and comes from a farming family. Missouri Republicans currently have a veto-proof supermajority in the General Assembly. Camdenton is a small city of around 3,700 people near Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri.

William Browning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics.

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Pawn Stars's Rick Harrison Sets Wedding Date

01/17/2013 at 08:30 AM EST

Rick Harrison and Deanna Burditt


Rick Harrison has gone from pawning to planning.

After months of going back and forth, the Pawn Stars ringleader and his fiancée, Deanna Burditt, have finally set a date for their wedding: July 21.

But the date is just the beginning for Harrison, 47, who tells PEOPLE, "She sticking me with all the planning!"

The nuptials – initially planned for Las Vegas – will now take place at the Ritz Carlton in Southern California's Laguna Beach.

"It will be a lot of friends and family," Harrison said while attending Wednesday night's opening of Wynn Las Vegas's Andrea's. "It started off with about 40 people and it's well over 100 people now. You know how those things go."

Aside from the guest count close to being finalized, Harrison said Danny Koker of the History Channel's Counting Cars will become an ordained minister and marry the couple, and Harrison's Pawn Stars costar Chumlee is set to be the ring bearer.

"I can't make that up," he said. "I just had no idea there was so much involved. I just thought you got a cake, had a party, buy a keg. But we're getting it done."

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Large study confirms flu vaccine safe in pregnancy

NEW YORK (AP) — A large study offers reassuring news for pregnant women: It's safe to get a flu shot.

The research found no evidence that the vaccine increases the risk of losing a fetus, and may prevent some deaths. Getting the flu while pregnant makes fetal death more likely, the Norwegian research showed.

The flu vaccine has long been considered safe for pregnant women and their fetus. U.S. health officials began recommending flu shots for them more than five decades ago, following a higher death rate in pregnant women during a flu pandemic in the late 1950s.

But the study is perhaps the largest look at the safety and value of flu vaccination during pregnancy, experts say.

"This is the kind of information we need to provide our patients when discussing that flu vaccine is important for everyone, particularly for pregnant women," said Dr. Geeta Swamy, a researcher who studies vaccines and pregnant women at Duke University Medical Center.

The study was released by the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday as the United States and Europe suffer through an early and intense flu season. A U.S. obstetricians group this week reminded members that it's not too late for their pregnant patients to get vaccinated.

The new study was led by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. It tracked pregnancies in Norway in 2009 and 2010 during an international epidemic of a new swine flu strain.

Before 2009, pregnant women in Norway were not routinely advised to get flu shots. But during the pandemic, vaccinations against the new strain were recommended for those in their second or third trimester.

The study focused on more than 113,000 pregnancies. Of those, 492 ended in the death of the fetus. The researchers calculated that the risk of fetal death was nearly twice as high for women who weren't vaccinated as it was in vaccinated mothers.

U.S. flu vaccination rates for pregnant women grew in the wake of the 2009 swine flu pandemic, from less than 15 percent to about 50 percent. But health officials say those rates need to be higher to protect newborns as well. Infants can't be vaccinated until 6 months, but studies have shown they pick up some protection if their mothers got the annual shot, experts say.

Because some drugs and vaccines can be harmful to a fetus, there is a long-standing concern about giving any medicine to a pregnant woman, experts acknowledged. But this study should ease any worries about the flu shot, said Dr. Denise Jamieson of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The vaccine is safe," she said.



Medical journal:

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Alliance of big city school districts aims for more healthful meals

Fatty corn dogs and sugary coffee cake may become extinct in thousands of school cafeterias nationwide under a landmark new alliance among Los Angeles Unified and five other major urban school districts to leverage their vast purchasing power for healthier fare and lower prices.

School districts in L.A., New York, Chicago, Dallas, Miami and Orlando, Fla., plan to announce Thursday efforts to use their collective clout — 2.5 million daily meals served and $530 million annually spent — to make wholesome food a national standard. The districts are also aiming for more eco-friendly practices — replacing polystyrene and plasticwith biodegradable trays and flatware, for instance.

As such diet-related maladies as diabetes and obesity increase among children, the quest to reduce fat, sugar and sodium in school meals has gained new urgency among districts. L.A. Unified has overhauled its menu with whole grains and fresh produce; New York offers a salad bar at every school; and Chicago has swapped cupcakes for fruit at school celebrations.

Now, by joining forces, the alliance members hope to move the market and eventually enlist other school districts in the crusade. Already, San Diego, Oakland and Houston have expressed interest.

"As the great cities of the nation, we want to lead the way," said Eric Goldstein of the New York City school district, which serves 860,000 meals daily at 1,700 campuses.

Each alliance member has been assigned to a specific project. New York, for example, is working on lowering prices for organic, free-range chicken. Chicago currently serves such meat but can only afford to do so once a month — one organic chicken leg costs 40 cents while a non-organic leg-thigh combo is just 23 cents, according to Leslie Fowler of the Chicago Public Schools.

Likewise, environmentally sound trays and utensils are relatively expensive. Fowler said a biodegradable tray costs 12 cents while a polystyrene one is a third that price. Miami is working on trays while Orlando is researching better flatware than the plastic "spork." Los Angeles is heading up communications efforts.

David Binkle, L.A. Unified's food services director, said the alliance marks the biggest step yet to transform school meals. In the last few years, the nation's second-largest district has banned flavored milk and overhauled the menu — dropping such crowd favorites as nachos and chicken nuggets for dishes like whole-grain spaghetti. Some of the menu items have flopped — quinoa salad, vegetable curry and brown rice cutlets, for instance, have been axed. But others, such as vegetarian burritos, have proved popular, Binkle said.

The district, which serves 650,000 meals daily, also started a program to serve healthy breakfasts in the classroom and recently eliminated polystyrene trays.

In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel launched a "Healthy Chicago" initiative that includes changes in the schools. Sugary drinks have been removed from vending machines, which now serve only water and 100% fruit juice in containers no larger than 8 ounces, Fowler said. Under a new school party policy, teachers are encouraged to serve fun but nutritious food, such as "ants on a log" with celery, peanut butter and raisins, she said.

The new Urban School Food Alliance first met last summer in Denver and has since conferred regularly by teleconference to share and review menu items that use whole grain products, low-fat dairy, fresh produce and lean protein.

To demonstrate their collective mission, alliance members plan to serve the same lunch at all six school districts in March. The menu: savory roasted chicken, brown rice with seasoned black or red beans, steamed broccoli, fresh seasonal fruit and milk.

"It's a long way from a peanut butter sandwich," Binkle said.

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